3 Tips for Minimizing AC Operational Strain in Peoria, AZ

It’s important to take good care of your air conditioner, especially now that the weather in Peoria, AZ, is heating up. Reducing the day-to-day burden on your AC system is particularly critical if you want to ensure longevity and consistent performance. Here are three tips to help minimize the operational strain on your AC system:

Schedule AC Maintenance

Over time, your air conditioner’s parts will wear out, and various kinds of debris may find their way inside your system. Professional AC maintenance is essential for many reasons, but ensuring your system runs at peak performance tops the list. Without periodic tuneups, the strain on your system will increase, its efficiency will fall and you could wind up paying more for air conditioning repairs than you otherwise would.

HVAC professionals typically recommend that you arrange to have maintenance done on your AC system at least once per year. During these appointments, they can also inspect your system for any potential problems forming.

Check Your Air Filter

Though you’ll need trained service technicians to clean debris out of most of your AC system’s principal components, you can replace its air filter on your own. Since excess debris on your filter can cut off airflow and force your air conditioner to overwork itself, we strongly recommend cleaning or changing the filter at least once every 60 to 90 days.

Also, you should be aware of your filter’s minimum efficiency reporting value (MERV) rating. Filters with MERV ratings of about 9 to 12 are ideal for trapping your home’s potential contaminants. If maintaining high indoor air quality is important to you, it may be better to get an air purifier as well.

Avoid Cranking Down the Thermostat

Don’t install your thermostat in sunny areas. If you do, the device will think that your home is warmer than it really is and force your AC system to expend more energy than necessary. Also, avoid cranking down your thermostat setting. Doing so won’t help your air conditioner cool your home faster; it’ll only strain it.

Allowing your AC system to run under excessive strain will only lead to a negative outcome. For assistance, call Island Breeze AC and ask for our air conditioning repair services in Peoria, AZ, today.

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